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Part 7: The Grey Spot Adventure

319 Nemosine Black
As they stepped out of the portal, six palace guardsmen jumped to their feet. “Wizard Quin, the High Wizard has ordered you to report for questioning,” one said. Quin heaved a sigh. … As they reached the palace, the lead guardsman said, “You wizardesses will have to wait—” “I am Wizardess Doctor Heilari, the Chief Healer of the College of Healing and Medicine at Inkabar University, and this is Wizardess Doctor Laikni, Doctor of the College Hospital and expert in magical illnesses. We have information the High Wizard will want to hear.” She marched into the palace, forcing everyone else to follow.

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“Please announce us, guardsman,” Heilari said when they arrived at the High Wizard’s office. The guardsman looked at her sideways, then entered the High Wizard’s suite. He returned shortly and escorted them in. “You have information for me, Wizardess Doctor?” “We assumed you would want to know we were in Lamyton when a grey spot appeared…” When Heilari and Makhabesh finished their parts of the story, the High Wizard glared at Quin. “How do you explain your presence at both instances?” Quin shrugged. “I can’t. I have no idea who’s doing this or why.” After more questions Quin couldn’t answer, the High Wizard dismissed them.

321 Jinhao Red
The doctors insisted on escorting Quin out of the city, just in case another grey spot appeared. After they’d parted ways, Vika said, You should tell Makhabesh and Essri the truth. The secret would just be a burden, Quin answered. It’s already a burden. To avoid answering. Quin said, “Essri, we promised to help you find a new village, where they wouldn’t make fun of you. There’s no reason to put it off now.” After a short pause, Essri said, “I already found a new village.” Makhabesh’s voice rose an octave. “What?” “Where?” Quin asked. When? Vika added.

322 Jinhao Blue
After Heilari finished her account, the Chief Librarian said, “Hmm,” and sat in silence. “Should we worry?” Laikni finally asked. Zenod looked up and said, “I don’t know. The book says Quin’s staff is from the oldest tree in the grove. It may well be the oldest tree on Earth.” “Surely that’s a good sign,” Heilari said. “Unless the Earth is upset with us,” Zenod said. “The book suggests a staff from this tree can command other staffs.” Heilari and Laikni inhaled sharply. “Whatever else is true, I think it better if Quin joins our efforts.” The doctors nodded vigorously.

323 Pelikan Edelstein Tanzanite
Essri grinned. “You guyth are my new village.” Quin let out an audible breath. That’s a relief, Vika said. “Warn a guy, next time.” “Heh heh heh.” Essri’s laugh sounded almost exactly like a snake shedding its skin. As they turned up the walk to Aiyana’s house, Quin said, “Are you sure, Essri? If the doctors are right, these grey spots may get me into trouble.” “Then you’ll need friendth to help.” “Yeah.” Makhabesh smacked the back of Quin’s head with a wing. “Hey! I guess I’ll do an inventory then. See what we need for another adventure.”

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Quin set his pack on the bed. He pulled out a simple wood box he had no memory of, then another, much larger box. He pried the top off the first and found waxed paper. Inside the paper, he found his mother’s honey-nut pastries. “Mom,” he whispered. He couldn’t quite manage a smile. He pried open the next box. It was too much. He slid to the floor, head in his hands, eyes burning. They love you. He heard a thump and looked up to see Essri and Makhabesh in the doorway. “Quin?” Essri said. “What’s wrong?” Makhabesh asked. Quin told them everything.

...to be continued, every Tuesday.