The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Introduction
- Written by: Liz McGuire
- Category: Fountain Pen Related
For some bizarre reason, many fountain pen ink reviewers write pangrams as sample text. Pangrams are useful for learning to type, but they're somewhat absurd for demonstrating fountain pen writing - it's not as if the fountain pen will write differently depending on the letter of the alphabet. Anywho, it's a common practice.
So, when I started doing ink reviews, I decided to have fun with these pangrams. One of these pangrams is "The five boxing wizards jump quickly." Eventually, this morphed into stories about "the fifth wizard", who was given a name by the user "yazeh" on the Fountain Pen Network.
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Read more: The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Introduction
The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Part 6: The Voyage Home
- Written by: Liz McGuire
- Category: Fountain Pen Related
< back to Part 5: The Quest to Heal the Source of Magic
Part 6: The Voyage Home
268 Pilot Mixable Colour Green
After taking care of Marsell’s body, helping the Viscount bury his sons, and recovering their Infini-packs, Quin, Makhabesh, and Essri escaped the isle of Diaminnia as quickly as they could. Viscount E showed them a way around the orange field. The Earl of Grey, whose skin had taken on a slight purplish hue, stood on the beach waving good-bye. Once back on the continent, they bought passage on a ship down the coast to the port closest to Lamyton. The message paper from Quin’s mother had only one new message: “Hope you’re on the way and safe. Love, Mom.”
269 Private Reserve Infinity Violet
As they made their way through Port Pelican, Essri peered at the signs, amazed by the new world that had opened to him thanks to there being nothing else to do during the voyage. “Co-o, no, coo-per, cooper! What’th a cooper?” “Someone who makes barrels,” Quin said absently. “Oh,” Essri replied. “No cooperth in thnek villageth.” Makhabesh smacked the back of Quin’s head with a wing. “What’s wrong, wizard boy?” “Huh? Oh, nothing. It’s just, I haven’t been to Lamyton in years, and, well, Mom didn’t say if Dad’s alright. I guess I’m just worried, that’s all.”
- Hits: 114
Read more: The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Part 6: The Voyage Home