- Written by: Liz McGuire
- Category: Fountain Pen Related
- Hits: 10369
For some bizarre reason, many fountain pen ink reviewers write pangrams as sample text. Pangrams are useful for learning to type, but they're somewhat absurd for demonstrating fountain pen writing - it's not as if the fountain pen will write differently depending on the letter of the alphabet. Anywho, it's a common practice.
So, when I started doing ink reviews, I decided to have fun with these pangrams. One of these pangrams is "The five boxing wizards jump quickly." Eventually, this morphed into stories about "the fifth wizard", who was given a name by the user "yazeh" on the Fountain Pen Network.
Read more: The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Introduction
- Written by: Liz McGuire
- Category: Fountain Pen Related
- Hits: 327
< back to Introduction
Part 1: Quintus, the Fifth Wizard
56 Montblanc Leo Tolstoy Sky Blue
Long after the other four wizards went home, Quintus’ patience finally paid off. On the right foot of the sphinx of black quartz, the largest toe showed a slight abnormality. That toe had to be the way inside, and in time, Quintus would unlock its secret.
57 Robert Oster Astorquiza Rot
Quintus stood before his wardrobe staring at a virtual sea of black robes. With a sudden grin, he whispered a secret spell, then pulled out a single blood-red robe.
Read more: The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Part 1: Quintus, the Fifth Wizard
- Written by: Liz McGuire
- Category: Fountain Pen Related
- Hits: 294
< back to Part 1: Quintus, the Fifth Wizard
Part 2: The Oily Adventure
87 Platinum Blue Black (cartridge)
As they left the keep, Makhabesh snarling at anyone who stared, Quintus said, "I'll need a new name." "Why?" "Quintus is for the fifth wizard. That's not me anymore." "What's your real name?" "A wizard never reveals his true name - too dangerous." "All righty then. Quint it is!" Makhabesh announced. "Unless you prefer Percival? Bertram? Horace...?"
88 Colorverse Warped Passages
"You should ditch the robe," Makhabesh said as they left the city. "Wizards always wear robes." "That's why you should ditch it." Quint - without the "us" - hmm'ed for a while before saying, "Quin." Makhabesh glanced at him sideways. "What?" "I think I like Quin better than Quint." "Uh-huh. Well, Quin, I'm thinking you should ditch the robe."
Read more: The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Part 2: The Oily Adventure
- Written by: Liz McGuire
- Category: Fountain Pen Related
- Hits: 262
< back to Part 2: The Oily Adventure
Part 3: The Old Goat Adventure
126 Pelikan 4001 Violet
Makhabesh grabbed an ordinary sack and started stuffing food inside. "Why not--" A knock at the door froze Quin and Makhabesh in place. Quin heaved a sigh and went to the door. Outside, an old man with a stringy little beard hunched over his cane. Makhabesh thought he looked very much like an old goat.
127 Diamine Blue-Black
"Sir!" Quin said, straightening his spine. The old man cleared his throat. "Wizard Quin, sphinx Makhabesh, you are summoned to Mount Ferovere, to the Wizards' Palace. You are to appear before the High Wizard himself. You are to leave at once! Primus awaits at the keep to open a portal to Norvelt." Quin gaped. "Who's the old goat?" Makhabesh whispered.
Read more: The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Part 3: The Old Goat Adventure
- Written by: Liz McGuire
- Category: Fountain Pen Related
- Hits: 269
< back to Part 3: The Old Goat Adventure
Part 4: The Quest to Find Happy Silkworms
190 Waterman Tender Purple
"Sir," Quin asked while they waited, "what do you mean the world is falling apart?" The High Wizard stared at him a moment, glanced at Essri, then waved a hand. A transparent, rippley dome appeared over them, instantly blocking all sound from outside. "Our source of magic has been corrupted. Most of the world won't care, but wizards and wizardesses are already weakening. Stopping Marsell was a good start, but it's not enough." "I haven't noticed my power weakening," Quin mused. "You're barely above an apprentice. When we restore the Source, you'll feel it." "We?"
191 Herbin Bleu Nuit
Makhabesh returned just in time for dinner, with word of a silkworm colony in the forest. As the High Wizard explained the problem and solution, he cut small pieces of pizza and cheeseburger for Essri, who gulped them whole. "And so," the High Wizard concluded, "we need to visit the silkworms." After several worried glances were exchanged, Makhabesh declared, "We're going to need a bunch of cheeseburgers to go." And after a glance at Quin's Infini-pack, he added, "And a couple of pizzas. Folded up."
Read more: The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Part 4: The Quest to Find Happy Silkworms
- Written by: Liz McGuire
- Category: Fountain Pen Related
- Hits: 309
< back to Part 4: The Quest to Find Happy Silkworms
Part 5: The Quest to Heal the Source of Magic
218 Colorverse Ham #65 Glistening
The morning they were to go back through the Muirdoor, Quin woke to find the High Wizard gone. A note and four magically protected boxes lay on the table in their cabin. "He's gone," Quin said after scanning the note. He wasn't sure how to feel about that. "Where?" Makhabesh asked. "Back to the Wizards' Palace." "But what about the Source?" Essri whispered. "He says we have to go without him. That people will be watching for him when he returns and he would just put us in danger." Essri shivered. "Who needs him," Makhabesh said.
219 De Atramentis Archive Ink
"These are for your pack," Quin said, handing Makhabesh the two smallest boxes. "And these are for mine." Quin put the two larger boxes in his pack. "They all contain some of the happy tears from the silkworms." Essri slithered up Quin's arm to look at the letter - not that he could read. "Why divide them?" "In case we don't all make it," Quin answered. "Pfffff," Makhabesh said. "Clearly that old man wasn't paying attention. Not make it. Pfffff." "Yeah," Essri said. "Of course we'll make it." After a slight pause, he added, "Make it where?"
Read more: The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Part 5: The Quest to Heal the Source of Magic
- Written by: Liz McGuire
- Category: Fountain Pen Related
- Hits: 384
< back to Part 5: The Quest to Heal the Source of Magic
Part 6: The Voyage Home
268 Pilot Mixable Colour Green
After taking care of Marsell’s body, helping the Viscount bury his sons, and recovering their Infini-packs, Quin, Makhabesh, and Essri escaped the isle of Diaminnia as quickly as they could. Viscount E showed them a way around the orange field. The Earl of Grey, whose skin had taken on a slight purplish hue, stood on the beach waving good-bye. Once back on the continent, they bought passage on a ship down the coast to the port closest to Lamyton. The message paper from Quin’s mother had only one new message: “Hope you’re on the way and safe. Love, Mom.”
269 Private Reserve Infinity Violet
As they made their way through Port Pelican, Essri peered at the signs, amazed by the new world that had opened to him thanks to there being nothing else to do during the voyage. “Co-o, no, coo-per, cooper! What’th a cooper?” “Someone who makes barrels,” Quin said absently. “Oh,” Essri replied. “No cooperth in thnek villageth.” Makhabesh smacked the back of Quin’s head with a wing. “What’s wrong, wizard boy?” “Huh? Oh, nothing. It’s just, I haven’t been to Lamyton in years, and, well, Mom didn’t say if Dad’s alright. I guess I’m just worried, that’s all.”
Read more: The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh: Part 6: The Voyage Home
- Written by: Liz McGuire
- Category: Fountain Pen Related
- Hits: 25
< back to Part 6: The Voyage Home
Part 7: The Grey Spot Adventure
319 Nemosine Black
As they stepped out of the portal, six palace guardsmen jumped to their feet. “Wizard Quin, the High Wizard has ordered you to report for questioning,” one said. Quin heaved a sigh. … As they reached the palace, the lead guardsman said, “You wizardesses will have to wait—” “I am Wizardess Doctor Heilari, the Chief Healer of the College of Healing and Medicine at Inkabar University, and this is Wizardess Doctor Laikni, Doctor of the College Hospital and expert in magical illnesses. We have information the High Wizard will want to hear.” She marched into the palace, forcing everyone else to follow.
320 Jinhao Bluish Violet
“Please announce us, guardsman,” Heilari said when they arrived at the High Wizard’s office. The guardsman looked at her sideways, then entered the High Wizard’s suite. He returned shortly and escorted them in. “You have information for me, Wizardess Doctor?” “We assumed you would want to know we were in Lamyton when a grey spot appeared…” When Heilari and Makhabesh finished their parts of the story, the High Wizard glared at Quin. “How do you explain your presence at both instances?” Quin shrugged. “I can’t. I have no idea who’s doing this or why.” After more questions Quin couldn’t answer, the High Wizard dismissed them.
...to be continued, every Tuesday.